Two researchers direct the project work Social Rights in Canada / CURA Quebec stream. Lucie Lamarche , director of the Gordon Henderson Chair in Human Rights at the University of Ottawa is the academic partner, Vincent Greason , the Round Table OVEP of the Outaouais is the community partner. Quebec researchers follow the current and emerging practices in human rights especially in relation to their impact in Québec. Their research focuses on several key dimensions of social rights practice:
Quebec component
The restructuring and contracting out of the state in Quebec has a major impact on economic and social rights of citizens. Work in progress includes following the evaluation of the Act to combat against poverty (2002) and its aftermath, including developments such as territorialization, privatization and downloading to communities. Another subject of research is the redefinition of Quebec's Human Rights Commission.
Read more about this initiative (French only).
International component
In support of the Ligue des droits et libertés du Québec, Quebec researchers contribute to the analysis of positions taken by the Quebec government vis-à-vis its international responsibilities, including the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural (ICESCR) and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Researchers are also examining the impact of trade agreements on human rights.
Major efforts, both in Quebec and internationally, are currently focused on the use of indicators to "measure" progress in the realization of human rights. The use of this medium in the formulation and implementation of public policy is an outgrowth of the New Public Management (NPM) which characterizes Quebec modernized. Researchers are considering the effect of the new focus on indicators on social rights practice and on the realization of social rights in Quebec.
Research Topics
Quebec component
The Law to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion
- Lucie Lamarache, "The ‘Made in Québec’ Act to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion: Exploring the complex relationship between poverty and human rights" in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship, and Legal Activim (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 139.
- Vincent Greason, “Poverty as a Human Rights Violation – Except in provincial government anti-poverty strategies” in Jackman & Porter (eds) Advancing Social Rights Canada (forthcoming).
Territorialisation and its Impact on Human Rights
- Vincent Greason, “Does struggling against poverty really produce ‘inspiring practices’” (2011).
- Vincent Greason, “Lutter localement contre la pauvreté donne-t-il réellement «Des pratiques inspirantes»?” (2011) 2:4 Revue Vie Economique 1.
- Vincent Greason « Un filet de protection troué pour faire face à la crise économique » (mars 2009) Bulletin de la Fédération des familles monoparentales et recomposées du Québec.
- Vincent Greason, « Vers une Municipalisation et u ne privatisation de la lutte à la pauvreté » (2006).
Human Rights and the City
- Lucie Lamarche, « Le droit à la Ville «Made in Québec»: un exercice de gouvernance marqué par le pragmatisme ? Le cas de Montréal », Laboratoire de recherché sur la gouvernance publique: territoire et communication, colloque largotec, presentee a l’Université de Paris XII-Val-de-Marne, 13, 14 et 15 décembre 2007.
- Human Rights and the City Lecture Series
Privatization and Human RightsLa Fondation Chagnon
- Fédération autonome de l’enseignement et TROVEPO (Vincent Greason coauteur), Mieux comprendre l’affaiblissement des services publics: Quand les fondations privées ébranlent les fondations de l’édifice social, Bulletin, août 2009.
Communities and Human Rights
- Vincent Greason, Lucie Lamarche et Ligue des droits et libertés, L’exercice des droits, un projet de société?: Un guide / questionnaire portant sur les droits humains et les pratiques du milieu communautaire, Montréal, Ligue des droits et libertés, 2010.
The Human Rights Commission
Lucie Lamarche et Pierre Bosset, dir, Droit de cité pour les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels: La Charte québécoise en chantier, Montréal, Yvon Blais, 2011.
International Research Stream
Québec and engagement with international human rights
The promotion of social rights in Québec and international institutions in collaboration with la Ligue des droits et libertés du Québec and community partners and unions.
Lucie Lamarche. “The Canadian Experience and CEDAW: Internationalisation by Default”, SSRN Paper (2010).
Lucie Lamarche, « L'impact des accords de commerce sur les Canadiennes : l'équité en emploi à titre d'étude de cas » (2005) 12 La Politique étrangère du Canada (Canadian Foreign Policy) 89.
Lucie Lamarche & Linda Jansen van Rensburg, "The Right to Social Security and Assistance” in Danie & Heyns Christof, eds, Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa(Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press, 2005) 209.
Lucie Lamarche, "Social Protection is a Matter of Human Rights: Exploring the ICESCR's Right to Social Security in the Context of Globalization" in K De Feyter & F Gomez Isa, eds, Privatisation and Human Rights in the Age of Globalisation(Maastricht: Intersentia, 2005) 79.
Trade Agreements and Human Rights
Lucie Lamarche, Benoît Frate et Monique Ménard-Kilrane, « L’OIT et les Nations Unies: une étude de cas portant sur la collaboration interinstitutionnelle dans le domaine des droits fondamentaux du travail » (2011) 41:1 RGD 5.
Lucie Lamarche, « De Beijing à l'OMC: à quelle gouvernance mondiale les femmes participent-elles aujourd'hui ? » dans Marie-Blanche Tahon, dir, Des frontalières: 4ième Congrès international des recherches féministes dans la francophonie plurielle: tome I,Montréal, Éditions du remue-ménage, 2007, 129.
Indicators and Human Rights
Vincent Greason & Lucie Lamarche. “Indicators and Human Rights: Do we really want to go there, and if so, how far?”, Working Paper (June 2011).
Vincent Greason et Lucie Lamarche, « Les indicateurs et les droits humains: que mesure-t-on et pourquoi? », En vue d’alimenter les réflexions du Comité DESC de la Ligue des droits et libertés du Québec, Février 2010.
Indicators and the Measurement of Poverty
Vincent Greason & Lucie Lamarche, “Poverty Impact Analysis (PIA) and Governmental Action: «Made in Québec»…Again?” (2008).
Lucie Lamarche, émissions radiophoniques hebdomadaires au 90,7 (Radio Canada – Ottawa/Gatineau), 2008 -
Lucie Lamarche, conférence sur le régime d’assurance chômage, CRO, février 2009
Vincent Greason, Fondation Chagnon, power-point, septembre 2009
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