Martha Jackman | Bruce Porter | Gwen Brodsky | Barbara Cameron | Shelagh Day | Vincent Greason
Lucie Lamarche| Margot Young | Leilani Farha | Sharon McIvor | Yvonne Peters |
Useful Links | Presentations
Book: Advancing Social Rights in Canada
The CURA researchers are collaborating to create a comprehensive resource regarding social rights in Canada. Read it here: Advancing Social Rights in Canada (Toronto: Irwin Law, forthcoming, 2014).
Social Rights in South Africa and Canada: A Conversation with Justice Zak Yacoob of the Constitutional Court of South Africa
Canada Without Poverty, the Social Rights Advocacy Centre and the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation hosted an informal discussion between Justice Zak Yacoob of the Constitutional Court of South Africa and social rights advocates in Ontario on February 15, 2013.
Justice Yacoob authored the Constitutional Court's decision in the world-renowned right to housing case, Grootboom . The conversation focused on what advocates in Canada can learn from the South African experience.
The conversation was moderated by Bruce Porter (Social Rights Advocacy Centre) with panelists Leilani Farha (Canada Without Poverty), Ruth Goba (Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission), and Member of Parliament, Craig Scott (Toronto-Danforth).
The Supreme Court and the Right of Inclusion after Moore
On February 21 2013, Yvonne Peters, Shelagh Day, and Dr. Gwen Brodsky participated in a panel discussion at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law. They discussed how our rights to inclusion and accommodation under Canadian human rights law have evolved up to the Supreme Court decision in Moore v British Columbia.
Margot Young
See also: Margot Young's Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
Reflections on Housing in Vancouver from the Vancouver Housing Justice Project, Pacific Housing Research Network News (Winter 2013).
CBC segment: lack of affordable housing in Vancouver and interview with Margot Young (November 26, 2013) - segment starts at 1:51:30
Housing Rights: Cross-Country Check-up the Housing Justice Project (November 4, 2013).
Press Release: Justice for Girls Troubled by Expanded Breach of Aboriginal Women and Girls’ Human Rights (April 16, 2012).
Sex discrimination at the 2010 Winter Olmpics: Sagen v Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, The Women's Court of Canada (April 15, 2010)
UN singles out BC Government on women's rights, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (March 1, 2003) (With Shelagh Day).
Sharon McIvor
See also: Sharon McIvor's Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
Video: Briefing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Regarding the Situation of the Right to Life of Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada
See also: Briefing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights regarding missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls in British Columbia (March 28, 2012).
Read more: The Native Women's Association of Canada's petition for a national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls
Sharon McIvor is the petitioner in McIvor v Canada, and argied that the sections of the Indian Act which determine Indian status are discriminatory under s.15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Read more about McIvor v Canada (Registrar of Indian and Northern Affairs)
Vincent Greason
See also: Vincent Greason's Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
Lecture: Anti-poverty legislations and the use of indicators, University of Ottawa Human Rights Research and Education Centre (November 27, 2012)
Press Release - Healthcare Services in Gatineau: The Citizens Speak (December 8, 2011)
- Organized by Action Santé Outaouais
Open Letter to Canadians: Québec youth are transforming their society (May 29, 2012).
Looking at the use of Indicators In the Fight Against Poverty
Why human rights violations in Toronto should concern all Canadians, and lawyers more than others, Canadian Lawyer (September 13, 2010).
Lucie Lamarche
See also: Lucie Lamarche's Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
Vidéo:Forum du 25 avril 2012: les obligation de lÉtat
Organized by la Ligue des droits et libertés
Lucie Lamarche, Revue de la Ligue des droits et libertés, L'accès à la justice et les droits humains, Automne 2013, 49-50.
Lucie Lamarche, Ligue des droits et libertés du Québec, Les indicateurs de droits humains : outils de mesure nécessaire ou technicisation des droits ?, 2013, 16 p.,
Leilani Farha
See also: Lailani Farha's Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
Video: Housing and International Human Rights Law
Organized by the Centre for Equality Rights in Accomodation
Video: "Making Rights Real: The Implementation of International Human Rights in Canada" (moderator)
University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, Common Law Section (December 2012).
Women, Canada and the World: is Canada failing?
Panel discussion organized by the McLeod Group
2011 Day for Democracy Rally and Press Conference: speeches about democracy, access to information, and women's rights.
A collaboration between the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation and Voices-Voix.
Yvonne Peters
See also: Yvonne Peters' Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship - 2008-December 2014
Yvonne Peters, CCD, and Dr. Michael J. Prince, University of Victoria, have lead a large-scale study focusing on poverty and people with disabilities. Their research concerns the lived experience of people with disabilities in poverty, and recommends strategies for reducing poverty in the disability community.
Organized by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities
A missed wedding, a Landmark Protest and a Legal Victory. Council of Canadians with Disabilities (April 16 2012).
Personal Reflections on the Cross-Disability Movement, Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians.
Martha Jackman
See also: Martha Jackman's Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
Thursday Thinkpiece: Jackman & Porter on Positive Charter Rights
Excerpt from "Rights-based Strategies to Address Homelessness and Poverty in Canada: the Constitutional Framework" (November 2012) (with Bruce Porter)
Bruce Porter
See also: Bruce Porter's Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
Video: Vienna+20 (Optional Protocol to the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) (August 15 2013)
"On the occasion of the coming into force of the Optional Protocol to the International Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, HRTD Newsletter interviewed Bruce Porter, Director of the Social Rights Advocacy Centre in Canada" OHCHR - Human Rights Treaties Division Newletter (January-June 2013).
Video: "Making Rights Real: The Implementation of International Human Rights in Canada" (panelist)
University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, Common Law Section (December 2012).
Video: Using the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to promote rights to housing
Organized by the Centre for Equality Rights in Accomodation
Thursday Thinkpiece: Jackman & Porter on Positive Charter Rights
Excerpt from "Rights-based Strategies to Address Homelessness and Poverty in Canada: the Constitutional Framework" (November 2012) (with Martha Jackman)
Gwen Brodsky
See also: Gwen Brodsky's Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
Gwen Brodsky is counsel for the petitioner in McIvor v Canada, and argied that the sections of the Indian Act which determine Indian status are discriminatory under s.15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Read more about McIvor v Canada (Registrar of Indian and Northern Affairs)
Are B.C.'s welfare limits legal? The Tyee (December 17, 2003).
What do Rights have to do with it? - What is the point of talking about human rights in relation to cuts to social programmes? (May 21, 2002), The Poverty and Human Rights Centre
Media Release: Supreme Court of Canada Rules Alberta's Human Rights Laws Discriminate Against Lesbians and Gays, Women's Legal Education and Actions Fund (April 2, 1998)
Barbara Cameron
See also: Barbara Cameron's Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
The Canada Social Transfer & the Implementation of Social Rights: A Discussion Paper prepared for the Feminist Alliance for International Action, October 2005.
A Legislative Framework for a Pan Canadian System of Child Care Services: A Discussion Paper prepared for the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (December 1, 2004).
Shelagh Day
See also: Shelagh Day's Presentations and Testimony to Parliamentary Committees
Let's Strengthen the Yukon Human Rights System, Yukon News (March 14, 2014)
Progress on Equality Stalled, Herizons Magazine (Winter 2011).
Remarks: International Women's Day Breakfast, B.C. Federation of Labour (March 8, 2011).
Remarks: Challenges and Strategies, A Conference convened by the Governor General of Canada Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean (September 9, 10, 2010)
Canada's Human Rights Institutions at Risk, Women's Court of Canada (July 28, 2010).
Shelagh Day, Proposed Guiding Principles regarding the Possibility of a Gender Equality Act/Status of Women Act (Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, 2005)
Take the Welfare Time Limit Off the Books (British Columbia), Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (February 24, 2004).
UN singles out BC Government on women's rights, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (March 1, 2003) (With Margot Young).
Shelagh Day & Natalie McMullen, A Decade of Going Backwards: Canada in the Post-Beijing Era (January 2005) Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, Response to UN Questionnaire on Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (1995) and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly (2000).
Links to Other Useful Resources
Publications from Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Service
(primary care and community network to improve health outcomes for immigrants, refugees, and their communities)
Publications from Amnesty International Canada
(Global advocacy against human rights abuses)
Resources from Canada without Poverty
(research, education and advocacy combatting poverty in Canada)
Publications from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)
(Progressive research regarding issues of social, economic and environmental justice)
- CCPA Growing Gap project concerning income and wealth inequality
- CCPA Making Women Count project, measuring and investigating the Canadian gender gap
Resources from the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA)
(Education and advocacy to protect Canadians’ human rights and civil liberties)
- See the CCLA’s Equality Rights advocacy and litigation
Resource Database: Canadian Race Relations Foundation
(Organization aimed at eliminating racism in Canada)
Publications from the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation (CERA)
(promotes human rights and anti-discrimination in housing)
- Your Rights to Equality in Housing
Publications from the Centre for Social Justice
(Research, education and advocacy for equality and democracy)
Litigation by the Charter Committee on Poverty Issues
(coalition of lawyers and activists protecting human rights through legal channels)
Publications from the Council of Canadians
(Social action organization)
Publications from the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD)
(national human rights organization of people with disabilities for an accessible and inclusive Canada)
Resources from the Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR)
(human rights protection for refugees and vulnerable migrants, and assist in immigrant settlement)
Resources from the David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights
(advocacy, research and education for Canadian constitutional rights)
Publications from the Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA)
(alliance of feminist organization seeking to realize women’s rights secured in international agreements)
Publications from the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada
(national organization serving Aboriginal children and families)
Resources from the Homeless Hub
(Research to find solutions to homelessnes)
Resources from the Income Security Advocacy Centre
(Advocacy for low-income communities in Ontario)
Resources from the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(Advocacy for the realization of economic, social and cultural rights worldwide)
John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights
(Promote the rights and values in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
See: Publications and Human Rights Education
Publications from Justice for Girls
(social justice for low-income or homeless girls)
Publications from the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC)
(Promote social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations and Métis women)
Publications from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
(principal human rights body of the United Nations)
Publications from Pivot Legal Society
(Legal advocacy to address the root causes of poverty and social exclusion)
Publications from the Poverty and Human Rights Centre (PHRC)
(promotes social and economic equality through human rights)
Resources from the Social Rights Advocacy Centre
(promote rights to dignity, equality and security through human rights research, public education and legal advocacy)
Public Education and Publications
Publications de la Table ronde des OVEP de l’Outaouais (TROVEPO)
(social justice adbocacy, coalition of community organizations Québec) (French)
Publications from the Wellesley Institute
(Public health research, policy & community mobilization)