"... une initiative de recherche d'une durée de cinq ans subventionnée par Alliances de recherches universités-communautés  "


Martha Jackman | Bruce Porter | Gwen Brodsky | Barbara Cameron | Shelagh Day | Vincent Greason
Lucie Lamarche
 | David Wiseman | Margot Young | Leilani Farha | Sharon McIvor | Yvonne Peters

Vincent Greason

Vincent Greason, Poverty as a Human Rights Violation: Except in Provincial Anti-Poverty Strategies (2012) (forthcoming).

Vincent Greason, “Does struggling against poverty really produce ‘inspiring practices’” (2011).

Vincent Greason, “Lutter localement contre la pauvreté donne-t-il réellement «Des pratiques inspirantes»?” (2011) 2:4 Revue Vie Economique 1.

Vincent Greason et Lucie Lamarche. “Indicators and Human Rights: Do we really want to go there, and if so, how far?”, Working Paper (June 2011).

Vincent Greason, “A G20 public inquiry: Canada’s reputation depends on it”, Hill Times (30 May 2011) 22.

Vincent Greason, « Le droit de dire non aux gaz de schiste », Le Devoir (28 fevrier 2011).

Vincent Greason, « Où sont les membres?: Réflexions sur l’état du mouvement communautaire québécois» (2011).

Vincent Greason, Lucie Lamarche et Ligue des droits et libertés, L’exercice des droits, un projet de société?: Un guide / questionnaire portant sur les droits humains et les pratiques du milieu communautaire, Montreal, Ligue des droits et libertés, 2010. 

Fédération autonome de l’enseignement et TROVEPO (Vincent Greason coauteur), Mieux comprendre l’affaiblissement des services publics: Quand les fondations privées ébranlent les fondations de l’édifice social, Bulletin, août 2009.

Vincent Greason « Un filet de protection troué pour faire face à la crise économique » (mars 2009) Bulletin de la Fédération des familles monoparentales et recomposées du Québec.

Vincent Greason, « DCD mais pas mort » (mars 2009) Relations.

Vincent Greason et Lucie Lamarche, « Les indicateurs et les droits humains: que mesure-t-on et pourquoi?», En vue d’alimenter les réflexions du Comité DESC de la Ligue des droits et libertés du Québec, Février 2010. 

Vincent Greason, « Sommes-nous une société en perte de « compassion »?» (novembre 2008) Bulletin de la Ligue des droits et libertés, à la p 7.

Vincent Greason & Lucie Lamarche, “Poverty Impact Analysis (PIA) and Governmental Action: «Made in Québec»…Again?” (2008).

Vincent Greason,« Dix ans de lutte pour la reconnaissance » (2007) 20:1 Nouvelles pratiques sociales.

Vincent Greason, « Vers une Municipalisation et u ne privatisation de la lutte à la pauvreté » (2006).

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Lucie Lamarche

Lucie Lamarche, «The Canadian Experience with the CEDAW: all womens' rights are human rights -  a case of treaties synergy», Women's Human Rights - CEDAW in International, Regional and National Law, Anne Hellum et Henriette Sinding Aasen (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2013, 358-385. 

Lucie Lamarche, «Human Rights, Social Security and Migrant Workers» R. Blanpain, P. A. Ortiz, M. Olivier et G. Vonk (éds), Social Security and Migrant Workers, Wolters Kluwer, Netherlands, 2014, 9-31.

Lucie Lamarche, « Les institutions des droits de la personne au Québec: le chaos apparent - la cohérence effective (Human Rights Institutions in Quebec: Apparent Chaos – Effective Coherence) », (2012) Revue française d'administration publique (accepté pour publication).

Lucie Lamarche, "Human Rights Impact Assessments (HRIAs): The What, the Why and the Critics" (A Video Conference Serie Initiative sponsored by the Human Rights Research & Education Centre, University of Ottawa, 2012).

Lucie Lamarche et Pierre Bosset, dir, Droit de cité pour les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels:La Charte québécoise en chantier, Montreal, Yvon Blais, 2011.

Lucie LamarcheBenoît Frate et Monique Ménard-Kilrane, « L’OIT et les Nations Unies: une étude de cas portant sur la collaboration interinstitutionnelle dans le domaine des droits fondamentaux du travail » (2011) 41:1 RGD 5.

Lucie Lamarche, « Le Droit Social Et Les Droits Sociaux: Des Outils Dissonants Pour La Régulation Sociale Dans Le Contexte Du Néolibéralisme (Social Rights and Social Law: Human Rights Collision and Neoliberal Damages in Need of Repairs) », SSRN Paper (September 2011).

Lucie Lamarche & Vincent Greason. “Indicators and Human Rights: Do we really want to go there, and if so, how far?”, Working Paper (June 2011).

Lucie Lamarche. "Cultural Rights: An Essential Key to Understand Human Rights in Complex Societies (Les Droits Culturels: Une Clé D’analyse Favorisant Les Droits De La Personne À L’Heure Des Sociétés Complexes)", SSRN Paper (May 2011).

Lucie Lamarche. “The Canadian Experience and CEDAW: Internationalisation by Default”, SSRN Paper (2010).

Lucie Lamarche, “Economic and Social Rights and the Era of Governance and Governance Arrangements in Canada: the Need to Re visit the issue of the Implementation of International Law of Human Right" in Chi Carmody, ed, Is Our House in Order? Canada's Implementation of International Law (Montreal: McGill-Queen's UniversityPress, 2010) 115.

Lucie Lamarche, « Interdiction de la discrimination et recrutement du personnel dans les entreprises de compétence fédérale » dans G Vallée et K Lippel, dir, JurisClasseur Québec, Droit civil, Collection Droit du travail, Rapports individuels et collectifs de travail, Markham, ON: LexisNexis, 2010, 6/1. 

Lucie Lamarche, Vincent Greason et Ligue des droits et liberté, L’exercice des droits, un projet de société?: Un guide / questionnaire portant sur les droits humains et les pratiques du milieu communautaire, Montreal, Ligue des droits et libertés, 2010.

Lucie Lamarche et Vincent Greason, « Les indicateurs et les droits humains: que mesure-t-on et pourquoi? », En vue d’alimenter les réflexions du Comité DESC de la Ligue des droits et libertés du Québec, Février 2010.

Lucie Lamarche et Benoît Frate. « La procédure de rapports prévue par l’article 40 du PIDCP: plus que des mots » Commentaire article (2010). 

Lucie Lamarche, « Mondialisation et cultures: nous sommes tous des passeurs culturels » (2009) 2 Revues Études interculturelles 99.

Lucie Lamarche, « Le standard d'égalité entre les sexes en droit canadien et québécois : une norme tiraillée entre les prétentions identitaires et les aspirations redistributives » dans Linda Pietrantonio, dir, Pratiques de différenciation et diversité : méthodes, objets et systèmes normatifs, Québec, Éditions Remue-ménage: À paraître. 2009.

Lucie Lamarche, « La Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme: Un acquis fragile » Ligue de droits et libertés, bulletin (automne 2008).

Lucie Lamarche & Vincent Greason, “Poverty Impact Analysis (PIA) and Governmental Action: «Made in Québec»…Again?” (2008).

Lucie Lamarche,« Le droit à la Ville «Made in Québec»: un exercice de gouvernance marqué par le pragmatisme ? Le cas de Montréal »,Laboratoire de recherché sur la gouvernance publique: territoire et communication, colloque largotec, presentee a l’Université de Paris XII-Val-de-Marne, 13, 14 et 15 décembre 2007.

Lucie Lamarche, “Economic and Social Rights and the Era of Governance and Governance Arrangements in Canada: the Need to Re-visit the Issue of the Implementation of International Law of Human Rights” (Paper delivered at the Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario, 7 September

Lucie Lamarche, « De Beijing à l'OMC: à quelle gouvernance mondiale les femmes participent-elles aujourd'hui ? » dans Marie-Blanche Tahon, dir, Des frontalières: 4ième Congrès international des recherches féministes dans la francophonie plurielle: tome I,Montréal, Éditions du remue-ménage, 2007, 129.

Lucie Lamarche, "Retaining Employment Equity Measures in Trade Agreements" (Ottawa: Status of Women Canada, 2005).

Lucie Lamarche & Linda Jansen van Rensburg, "The Right to Social Security and Assistance” in Danie & Heyns Christof, eds, Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa(Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press, 2005) 209.

Lucie Lamarche, "Social Protection is a Matter of Human Rights: Exploring the ICESCR's Right to Social Security in the Context of Globalization" in K De Feyter & F Gomez Isa, eds, Privatisation and Human Rights in the Age of Globalisation (Maastricht: Intersentia, 2005) 79.

Lucie Lamarache, "The ‘Made in Québec’ Act to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion: Exploring the complex relationship between poverty and human rights" in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship, and Legal Activim (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 139.

Lucie Lamarche, « L'impact des accords de commerce sur les Canadiennes : l'équité en emploi à titre d'étude de cas » (2005) 12 La Politique étrangère du Canada (Canadian Foreign Policy) 89.

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Martha Jackman

Martha Jackman, "Law as a Tool for Addressing Social Determinants of Health", in Nola Ries, Tracey Bailey & Timothy Caulfield, eds., Public Health Law and Policy in Canada, 3rd ed. (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2013) 91.

Martha Jackman & Bruce Porter, Strategies to Address Homelessness and Poverty in Canada: the Constitutional Framework, Working Paper, (Huntsville, ON: Social Rights Advocacy Centre, June 2012).

Martha Jackman & Bruce Porter, International Human Rights and Strategies to Address Homelessness and Poverty in Canada: Making the Connection, Working Paper, (Huntsville, ON: Social Rights Advocacy Centre, September 2011).

Martha Jackman, “Charter Review as a Health Care Accountability Mechanism in Canada” (2010) 18 Health LJ 1.

Martha Jackman, “Charter Remedies for Socio-economic Rights Violations: Sleeping Under a Box?” in Robert J Sharpe & Kent Roach, eds, Taking Remedies Seriously (Montreal: Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, 2010) 279.

Martha Jackman, “Constitutional Castaways: Poverty and the McLachlin Court” (2010) 50 Sup Ct L Rev 297. 

Martha Jackman, “Constitutional Castaways: Poverty and the McLachlin Court” in Sanda Rodgers & Sheila McIntyre, eds, The Supreme Court of Canada and Social Justice: Commitment, Retrenchment or Retreat (Markham, Ont: LexisNexis Canada, 2010).

Martha Jackman & Bruce Porter, “Socio-Economic Rights Under the Canadian Charter” in M Langford, ed, Social Rights Jurisprudence: Emerging Trends in International and Comparative Law (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008) 209.

Martha Jackman, “Health and Equality: Is There a Cure?” (2007) 15 Health LJ 87.   

Martha Jackman, “Reality Checks: Presuming Innocence and Proving Guilt in Charter Welfare Cases” in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship, and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 23.

Martha Jackman & Bruce Porter, “Socio-Economic Rights Under the Canadian Charter” (Fall 2007) Canadian Issues / Thèmes canadiens 26.

Martha Jackman, “Charter Equality at Twenty: Reflections of a Card-carrying Member of the Court Party” (2006) 20 NJCL115.

Martha Jackman, “Commentary: Section 15 can help bring legitimacy to our democracy”, Lawyers Weekly 26:14 (18 August 2006) 11.

Martha Jackman, « L’égalité réelle dans le contexte des droits linguistiques » dans A Braën, P Foucher & Y LeBouthillier, dir, Languages, Consitutionalism and Minorities / Langues, constitutionnalisme et minorités, Toronto: Butterworths, 2006, 629.

Martha Jackman, “’The Last Line of Defence for [Which?] Citizens’: Accountability, Equality and the Right to Health in Chaoulli“ (2006) 44 Osgoode Hall LJ 349.

Martha Jackman, “Misdiagnosis or Cure? Charter Review of the Health Care System” in CM Flood, ed, Just Medicare: What’s In, What’s Out, How We Decide (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006) 58.

Martha Jackman, « Sommes nous dignes? Légalité et l’arrêt Gosselin » (2006) 17 RFD 161.

Martha Jackman, “Canadian Charter Equality at 20: Reflections of a Card-carrying Member of the Court Party” (2005) 27:1 Policy Options 72.

Martha Jackman, « L'article 7 de la Charte et les dépenses en soins de santé » dans GP Marchildon, T McIntosh & PG Forest, dir, L'avenir fiscal du système de santé canadien, Ottawa, Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2004, 124.

Martha Jackman, “Section 7 of the Charter and Health-Care Spending” in GP Marchildon, T McIntosh & PG Forest, eds, The Fiscal Sustainability of Health Care in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004) 110.

Martha Jackman, The Implications of section 7 of the Charter for Health Care Spending in Canada: Discussion Paper No. 31 (Saskatoon: Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, 2002).

Martha Jackman & Bruce Porter, "Women’s Substantive Equality and the Protection of Social and Economic Rights Under the Canadian Human Rights Act," in Status of Women Canada, Women and the Canadian Human Rights Act: A Collection of Policy Research Reports (Ottawa: Status of Women Canada, 1999) 43-112.

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Bruce Porter

Bruce Porter, Reasonableness in the Optional Protocol to the ICESCR, (SRAC Working Paper, 2012) for publication in R. Brown, M. Langford, B. Porter and J. Rossi (eds) The Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Commentary (Capetown: Pretoria University Law Press, forthcoming).

Bruce Porter, Enforcing the Right to Reasonableness in Social Rights Litigation:
The Canadian Experience
, SRAC Working Paper, for publication in M. Langford, C. Rodriguez and J. Rossi (eds), Making it Stick: Compliance with Social Rights Judgments in Comparative Perspective (Capetown: Pretoria University Law Press, forthcoming).

Bruce Porter, Designing and Implementing Rights-Based Strategies to Address Poverty and Homelessness in Ontario Exchange Working Paper Series (Ottawa, PHIRN, 2012).

Bruce Porter & Martha Jackman, Strategies to Address Homelessness and Poverty in Canada: the Constitutional Framework, Working Paper, (Huntsville, ON: Social Rights Advocacy Centre, June 2012).

Bruce Porter & Martha Jackman, International Human Rights and Strategies to Address Homelessness and Poverty in Canada: Making the Connection, Working Paper, (Huntsville, ON: Social Rights Advocacy Centre, September 2011).

Bruce Porter, “In Defense of “Soft” Remedies (Sometimes): Enforcing Principled Remedies to Systemic Social Rights Claims in Canada” (Paper delivered at the International Symposium on Enforcement of ESCR Judgments, Bogota, Columbia, 6-7 May 2010).

Bruce Porter & Leilani Farha, “Reaffirming Canada’s Commitments to Human Rights”, Poverty and Parliament (Spring 2009).

Bruce Porter, “The Reasonableness Of Article 8(4) – Adjudicating Claims From The Margins” (2009) 27:1 Nordic Journal of Human Rights 39.

Bruce Porter, “Justiciability of ESC Rights and The Right to Effective Remedies: Historic Challenges and New Opportunities“ in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Optional Protocol to the ICESCR, (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2008).

Bruce Porter & Martha Jackman, “Socio-Economic Rights Under the Canadian Charter” in M Langford, ed, Social Rights Jurisprudence: Emerging Trends in International and Comparative Law (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008) 209.

Bruce Porter, "Claiming Adjudicative Space: Social Rights, Equality and Citizenship" in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship, and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 77.

Bruce Porter, “Expectations of Equality“ (2006) 33 Sup Ct L Rev 23. 

Bruce Porter & Aoife Nolan, "The Justiciability of Social and Economic Rights: An Updated Appraisal",Just News (January 2006). 

Bruce Porter, "Socio-economic rights in a domestic charter of rights: a Canadian perspective" in Human Rights and Peace-Building in Northern Ireland: an international anthology (Belfast: Committee on the Administration of Justice, 2006)

Bruce Porter, "A Right to Healthcare in Canada: Only if you can pay for it" (2005) 6 ESR Review: Economic and Social Rights in South Africa.

Bruce Porter, "Socio-economic rights in a domestic charter of rights: a Canadian perspective" in Human Rights and Peace-Building in Northern Ireland: an international anthology (Belfast: Committee on the Administration of Justice, 2006)

Bruce Porter, "Canadian Constitutional Challenge to NAFTA Raises Critical Issues of Human Rights in Trade and Investment Regimes" (2005) 2 Housing and ESC Rights Law Quarterly.

Bruce Porter, "ReWriting the Charter at 20 or Reading it Right: The Challenge of Poverty and Homelessness in Canada" in Wesley Cragg & Christine Koggel, eds, Contemporary Moral Issues, 5th ed (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2005) 373.

Bruce Porter, "Toward a Comprehensive Framework for ESC Rights Practice" in Bret Thiele and Malcolm Langford, eds, Litigation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The State of Play (Sydney: University of South Wales Press, 2005). 

Bruce Porter, "Twenty Years of Equality Rights: Reclaiming Expectations" (2005) 23 Windsor YB Access Just 145.

Bruce Porter, "Social and Economic Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms" (Paper delivered to the International Conference on Social and Economic Rights: Models of Enforcement, Dublin, Ireland, 10-11 December 2005).

Bruce Porter, Aofie Nolan & Malcolm Langford, "The Justiciability of Social and Economic Rights: an Updated Appraisal" (Paper delivered to the Human Rights Consortium of Northern Ireland, Belfast, Ireland, 20 November 2005).

Bruce Porter, "The Right to be Heard: What's at Stake?” (Paper delivered at the High Level Expert Seminar on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to the French Department of Foreign Affairs, Nantes, France, 5-7 September 2005).

Bruce Porter, "The Right to Adequate Housing in Canada" (Paper delivered at the Inter-American Human Rights Commission Special Hearings on the Right to Housing, Washington, DC, 4 March 2005).

Bruce Porter, "Homelessness, Human Rights, Litigation and Law Reform: A View from Canada" (2004) 10 Austl J H R133.

Bruce Porter, "The Human Right to Adequate Housing: Making the Case in U.S. Advocacy" (2004) 38 Clearinghouse Rev 97.

Bruce Porter, “Poverty and the Courts” (Keynote address delivered at the National Judicial Institute to Judges of the Ontario Superior Court, Niagara Falls, 7 May 2004).

Bruce Porter, "The Domestic Implementation of the ICESCR: The Right to Effective Remedies, the Role of Courts and the Place of the Claimants of ESC Rights" (Lecture delivered at the Workshop for Judges and Lawyers in North East Asia on the Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights hosted by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the International Commission of Jurists, Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia, 26-28 January 2004).

Bruce Porter, "Judging Poverty: Using International Human Rights Law to Refine the Scope of Charter Rights" (2000) 15 Journal of Law and Social Policy 117.

Bruce Porter & Martha Jackman, "Women’s Substantive Equality and the Protection of Social and Economic Rights Under the Canadian Human Rights Act," in Status of Women Canada, Women and the Canadian Human Rights Act: A Collection of Policy Research Reports (Ottawa: Status of Women Canada, 1999) 43-112.

Bruce Porter, "Beyond Andrews: Substantive Equality and Positive Obligations after Eldridge and
" (1998) 9:3 Forum constitutionel.

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Gwen Brodsky

Gwen Brodsky, "Moore v British Columbia: Supreme Court of Canada Keeps the Duty To Accommodate Strong" (2013) 10 Journal of Law & Equality 85.

Gwen Brodsky, Shelagh Day, and Yvonne Peters, Accommodation in the 21st Century, (March, 2012), en ligne: Commission canadienne des droits de la personne.

Gwen Brodsky, “Human Rights and Poverty: A 21st Century Tribute to J.S. Woodsworth” in J Pulkingham, ed, Human Rights, Human Welfare and Social Activism: Rethinking the Legacy of J.S. Woodsworth (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010).

Gwen Brodsky & Shelagh Day, "The Denial of the Means of Subsistence as an Equality Violation" in Fay Faraday, Margaret Denike & M Kate Stephenson, eds, Making Equality Rights Real: Securing Substantive Equality Under the Charter (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2009).

Gwen Brodsky, Shelagh Day & Pamela Murray, Victoria (City) v. Adams: Advancing the Right to Shelter (Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2009).

Gwen Brodsky et al, Neglect and Disregard: Canada’s Human Rights Record, British Columbia Universal Periodic Review Coalition 2008 Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council on the occasion of its universal periodic review of Canada (Vancouver: British Columbia Universal Periodic Review Coalition, 2008).

Gwen Brodsky & Shelagh Day, The Role of International Social and Economic Rights in the Interpretation of Domestic Law in Canada (Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2008).

Gwen Brodsky, “The Subversion of Human Rights by Governments in Canada” in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 355. 

Gwen Brodsky & Shelagh Day, Women and the Canada Social Transfer: Securing the Social Union,(Ottawa: Status of Women Canada, 2007).

Gwen Brodsky & Shelagh Day, Human Rights Treaty Implementation: The Consensus on Canada(Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2007).

Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007). 

Gwen Brodsky, et al, “Gosselin v Quebec (Attorney General)” (2006) 18:1 CJWL / RFD 189.

Gwen Brodsky & Shelagh Day, Strengthening the Social Union: A Call to Account (Ottawa: Feminist Alliance For International Action, 2006). 

Gwen Brodsky & Shelagh Day, "Denial of the Means of Subsistence as an Equality Violation in Advancing Women's Rights: The First Decade of Democracy" in F du Bois et al, eds, Advancing Women’s Rights: The First Decade of Democracy - Equality Law: Reflections from South Africa and Elsewhere (Cape Town: JUTA Law, 2005) 149.

Gwen Brodsky et al, Human Rights Denied: Single Mothers on Social Assistance (Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2005).

Gwen Brodsky, "Montreal Principles on Women's Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights" (2004) 16:1 CJWL / RFD 400.

Gwen Brodsky, "Gosselin v. Quebec (Attorney General): Autonomy With a Vengeance" (2003) 15:1 CJWL / RFD 194.

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Barbara Cameron

Barbara Cameron. “Accountability Regimes for Federal Social Transfers: An Exercise in Deconstruction and Reconstruction” in Peter Graefe, Julie Simons & Linda White, eds, New Intergovernmental Accountability Regimes: Canada in Comparative Perspective (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming).

Barbara Cameron, “Political Will, Child Care and Canadian Federalism” (Spring 2009) Our Schools, Ourselves 129.

Barbara Cameron, “Harper, Quebec and Canadian Federalism” in Teresa Healy, ed, The Harper Record (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2008) 419.

Barbara Cameron, "Accounting for Rights and Money in the Canadian Social Union” in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 162.

Barbara Cameron, "Social Reproduction and Canadian Federalism" in Kate Bezanson and Meg Luxton, eds, Social Reproduction: Feminist Political Economy Challenges Neo-Liberalism(Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2006) 45.

Barbara Cameron, Canada Social Transfer & the Implementation of Social Rights: A Discussion Paper (Ottawa: Feminist Alliance for International Action, 2005).

Barbara Cameron, "The Chretien Legacy and Women's Equality" (2004) 9:3 Canada Watch 32.

Barbara Cameron, "The Social Union, Executive Power and Social Rights" (2004) 23.3 Canadian Women Studies 49. 

Barbara Cameron, "A Framework for Conflict Management" (1999) 10:4 Constitutional Forum 129.

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Shelagh Day

Shelagh Day with Gwen Brodsky and Yvonne Peters, Accommodation in the 21st Century, (March, 2012), en ligne: Commission canadienne des droits de la personne.

Shelagh Day, "The Charter: What Ever Happened to Equality?", Herizons 23:4 (Winter 2011) 11.

Shelagh Day, “Because 153 years of sex discrimination is enough”, Rabble (21 December 2010).

Shelagh Day & Joyce Green, “Sharon McIvor’s Fight for Equal Status”, Herizons 24:1 (Summer 2010) 8. 

Shelagh Day, “So far backwards, so fast: Cutbacks leave poorest women trapped in ‘vicious circle’CCPA Monitor (July/August 2010).

Shelagh Day & Joyce Green, "Bill C-3 is racist, sexist and fatally flawed" (27 April 2010), en ligne: la Tribunale des femmes du Canada.

Shelagh Day, “Saskatchewan Threatens to Send All Complaints to Court”, Canadian Human Rights Digest 11:3 (April 2010).

Shelagh Day, “Time To Go Into Worry Mode”, Canadian Human Rights Digest 11:2 (March 2010).

Shelagh Day, Dani Bryant & Christian Morey, No Action: No Progress, Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action Report on Canada's Progress in Implementing Priority Recommendations made by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in 2008(Ottawa: Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, 2010).

Shelagh Day, "Will Michael Ignatieff Stand Up For Women?", Herizons 23:3 (Winter 2010) 24.

Shelagh Day, “Canada Must Report to the UN on Steps to Address the Poverty of Women”, Canada Without Poverty Newsletter (December 2009).

Shelagh Day, “Human Rights Under Attack”, Canadian Human Rights Digest 10:4 (May/June 2009).

Shelagh Day & Gwen Brodsky, "The Denial of the Means of Subsistence as an Equality Violation" in Fay Faraday, Margaret Denike & M Kate Stephenson, eds, Making Equality Rights Real: Securing Substantive Equality Under the Charter (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2009).

Gwen Brodsky, Shelagh Day & Pamela Murray, Victoria (City) v. Adams: Advancing the Right to Shelter (Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2009).

Shelagh Day et al, A Failing Grade on Women’s Equality: Canada’s Human Rights Record on Women, Feminist Alliance for International Action submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council on the occasion of its universal periodic review of Canada (Ottawa: Feminist Alliance for International Action, 2008)

Shelagh Day, Margot Young & Aileen Smith, Inaction and Non-Compliance: British Columbia's Approach to Women's Inequality: Submission of the BC CEDAW Group to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Canada's 6th and 7th Reports (Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2008).

Shelagh Day, Prostitution: Violating the Human Rights of Poor Women (Ottawa: Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes, 2008).

Shelagh Day, La prostitution, une violation des droits humains des femmes pauvres, Ottawa: Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes, 2008.

Shelagh Day et al, Neglect and Disregard: Canada’s Human Rights Record, British Columbia Universal Periodic Review Coalition 2008 Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council on the occasion of its universal periodic review of Canada (Vancouver: British Columbia Universal Periodic Review Coalition, 2008).

Shelagh Day & Gwen Brodsky, The Role of International Social and Economic Rights in the Interpretation of Domestic Law in Canada (Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2008).

Shelagh Day, Margot Young & Aileen Smith, Women's Inequality in Canada: Submission of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Canada's 6th and 7th Reports (Ottawa: Feminist Alliance for International Action, 2008).

Shelagh Day & Gwen Brodsky, Human Rights Treaty Implementation: The Consensus on Canada(Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2007).

Shelagh Day, "Minding the Gap: Human Rights Commitments and Compliance" in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 355.

Shelagh Day & Gwen Brodsky, Women and the Canada Social Transfer: Securing the Social Union,(Ottawa: Status of Women Canada, 2007).

Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007). 

Shelagh Day, "Empower the People, Not the Provinces" (2006) 40:3 Canadian Dimension 18.

Shelagh Day, et al, “Gosselin v Quebec (Attorney General)” (2006) 18:1 CJWL / RFD 189.

Shelagh Day & Gwen Brodsky, Strengthening the Canada Social Transfer: A Call to Account (Ottawa: Feminist Alliance For International Action, 2006). 

Shelagh Day & Margot Young, Submission of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action and the National Association of Women and the Law to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the occasion of its review of Canada's 4th and 5th periodic reports (Ottawa: Feminist Alliance For International Action, 2006).

Shelagh Day & Margot Young, Women in British Columbia: Human Rights Under Attack (Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2006).

Shelagh Day, Margot Young & Lisa Phillips, Civil and Political Rights in British Columbia 2005: The Poverty and Human Rights Centre, submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on the occasion of its review of Canada's 5th report on compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Vancouver: The Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2005).

Shelagh Day & Gwen Brodsky, "Denial of the Means of Subsistence as an Equality Violation in Advancing Women's Rights: The First Decade of Democracy" in F du Bois et al, eds, Equality Law: Reflections from South Africa and Elsewhere (Cape Town: JUTA Law, 2005) 149.

Shelagh Day et al, Human Rights Denied: Single Mothers on Social Assistance (Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2005).

Shelagh Day, Margot Young & Lisa Phillips, Women's Civil and Political Rights in Canada 2005:Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on the occasion of its review of Canada's 5th report on compliance with theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Ottawa: Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, 2005).

Shelagh Day, Leilani Farha & Marianne Mollman, "The Montreal Principles: Needed Clarity on Women's Right to Equal Enjoyment of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" (2004) 22:3 Nordic Journal of Human Rights 345.

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David Wiseman

David Wiseman, "Taking Competence Seriously" in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 263.

David Wiseman, "Competence Concerns in Charter Adjudication: Countering the Anti-Poverty Incompetence Argument" (2006) 51 McGill LJ 503.

David Wiseman, "Methods of Protection of Economic and Social Rights: Canada" in F Coomans, ed, Domestic Protection of Economic and Social Rights: Comparative Perspectives (Intersentia: Antwerpen 2006) 173.

David Wiseman, "Poverty and a Victorian Bill of Rights: A View from Canada" in M Smith, ed, Human Rights 2005: The Year in Review (Melbourne: Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, 2006).

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Margot Young

Margot Young, Social Justice and the Charter: Comparison and Choice (2013) 50(3) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 669

Margot Young, “Context, Choice, and Rights: PHS Community Services Society v Canada (Attorney General)” (2011) 44 UBC L Rev 221. 

Margot Young, “Homelessness” in Janis P Sarra, ed, A Voice for Many - Margaret Philip, Journalist(Toronto: Carswell, 2011).

Margot Young, “The IOC Made Me Do it: Women's Ski Jumping, VANOC, and the 2010 Winter Olympics” (2010) 18:3 Const Forum Const 95.  

Margot Young, “Unequal to the Task: 'Kapp'ing the Substantive Potential of Section 15” in Sanda Rodgers & Sheila McIntyre, eds, The Supreme Court of Canada and Social Justice: Commitment, Retrenchment or Retreat (Markham, Ont: LexisNexis Canada, 2010) 183.

Margot Young, “Women's Work and a Guaranteed Income” in Shelley AM Gavigan & Dorothy E Chunn, eds, The Legal Tender of Gender: Welfare, Law and the Regulation of Women's Poverty (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010) 249.

Margot Young, "Guaranteed Annual Income: A Feminist Approach" in Marjorie Cohen & Jane Pulkinghan, eds, Public Policy for Women in Canada: The State, Income Security and Labour Market Issues (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009).

Margot Young & James P Mulvale, Possibilities and Prospects: The Debate Over a Guaranteed Income (Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2009).

Margot Young, “Rights, the Homeless, and Social Change: Reflections on Victoria (City) v. Adams (BCSC)”, Case Comment (2009) 164 BC Studies 103.

Margot Young et al, A Failing Grade on Women’s Equality: Canada’s Human Rights Record on Women, Feminist Alliance for International Action submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council on the occasion of its universal periodic review of Canada (Ottawa: Feminist Alliance for International Action, 2008).

Margot Young et al, A Poverty Reduction Plan for BC (Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2008).

Margot Young, Shelagh Day & Aileen Smith, Inaction and Non-Compliance: British Columbia's Approach to Women's Inequality: Submission of the BC CEDAW Group to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Canada's 6th and 7th Reports (Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2008).

Margot Young et al, Neglect and Disregard: Canada’s Human Rights Record, British Columbia Universal Periodic Review Coalition 2008 Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council on the occasion of its universal periodic review of Canada (Vancouver: British Columbia Universal Periodic Review Coalition, 2008).

Margot Young et al, "Postcards, Feminism, and Economic Oppression" (2008) 17 Soc & Leg Stud 5.

Margot Young, Shelagh Day & Aileen Smith, Women's Inequality in Canada: Submission of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on the Occasion of the Committee's Review of Canada's 6th and 7th Reports (Ottawa: Feminist Alliance for International Action, 2008).

Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007). 

Margot Young, "Introduction" in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 1.

Margot Young, "Why Rights Now?" in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 317-336.

Margot Young, “Successful Challenge to Indian Act Shows Value of Now-Defunded Program” Lawyers Weekly 27:15 (24 August 2007) 10.

Margot Young, "Why Rights Now: Law and Desperation" in Margot Young et al, eds, Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) 317.

Margot Young & Shelagh Day, Women in British Columbia: Human Rights Under Attack (Vancouver: Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2006).

Margot Young, "Blissed Out: Section 15 at 20" in Sheila McIntrye & Sanda Rodgers, eds, Diminishing Returns: Inequality and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Markham, Ont: LexisNexis Canada, 2006).

Margot Young, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Annual Review of Law and Practice (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education of British Columbia, 2006). 

Margot Young & Shelagh Day, Submission of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action and the National Association of Women and the Law to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the occasion of its review of Canada's 4th and 5th periodic reports (Ottawa: Feminist Alliance For International Action, 2006).

Margot Young, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Annual Review of Law and Practice (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education of British Columbia, 2005). 

Margot Young, Shelagh Day & Lisa Phillips, Civil and Political Rights in British Columbia 2005: The Poverty and Human Rights Centre, submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on the occasion of its review of Canada's 5th report on compliance with theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Vancouver: The Poverty and Human Rights Centre, 2005).

Margot Young, "Section 7 and the Politics of Social Justice" (2005) 38:2 UBC L Rev 539. 

Margot Young, Shelagh Day & Lisa Phillips, Women's Civil and Political Rights in Canada 2005:Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on the occasion of its review of Canada's 5th report on compliance with theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Ottawa: Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, 2005).

Margot Young, “Equality at a Standstill: Some Conclusory Remarks to the Forum" (2004) 16:1 CJWL / RFD 414.

Margot Young & Susan Boyd, eds, Special Issue: Speaking Truth to Power: Remembering Marlee Kline (2004) 16:1 CJWL / RFD.

Margot Young & Susan Boyd, eds, “Editorial: Speaking Truth to Power: Remembering Marlee Kline”  (2004) 16:1 CJWL / RFD i.

Margot Young, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Annual Review of Law and Practice (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education of British Columbia, 2004). 

Margot Young, "Travels with Justice L'Heureux-Dube: Equality Law Abroad " in Elizabeth A Sheehy, ed, Adding Feminism to Law: The Contributions of Justice Claire L’Heureux-Dube(Toronto: Irwin Law, 2004) 287. 

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Leilani Farha

Leilani Farha & Céleste McKay, Housing Indigenous People in Cities: Urban Policy Guides for Indigenous Peoples (Nairobi: United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT), 2009).

Leilani Farha & Bruce Porter, “Reaffirming Canada’s Commitments to Human Rights”, Poverty and Parliament (Spring 2009).  

Leilani Farha, Women of the Railway: Women and Forced Evictions in the Philippines (Geneva, Centre on Housing Rights & Evictions, 2009).

Leilani Farha, “Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: Women Claiming Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – the CEDAW Potential” in M Langford, ed, Social Rights Jurisprudence: Emerging Trends in International and Comparative Law (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008).

Leilani Farha, Pearl Eliadis & Sneh Aurora, Equality for Women: A Handbook for National Human Rights Institutions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights(Montreal: Equitas, 2008).

Leilani Farha “Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” (Paper delivered at the International Strategy Meeting, ESCR-Net, Nairobi, Kenya, December 2008).

Leilani Farha (principal author), Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Adequate Housing: A Global Perspective(Nairobi: United Nations Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights and United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT), 2005).

Leilani Farha, Shelagh Day & Marianne Mollman, "The Montreal Principles: Needed Clarity on Women's Right to Equal Enjoyment of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" (2004) 22:3 Nordic Journal of Human Rights 345.

Leilani Farha et al, “The Montréal Principles on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” (2004) 26:4 Hum Rts Q 760.

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Sharon McIvor

Sharon McIvor & Rauna Kuokkanen, “Woman of Action: An Interview with Sharon McIvor” in Joyce Green, ed, Making Space for Indigenous Feminism (Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing, 2007) 241.

Sharon McIvor, “Aboriginal Women Unmasked: Using Equality Litigation to Advance Women’s Rights” (2004) 16:1 CJWL / RFD 106.

Sharon McIvor, “The Primacy of Aboriginal Women’s Rights to Self Government” in Radha Jhappan, ed, Women’s Legal Strategies in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002).

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Yvonne Peters

Yvonne Peters with Gwen Brodsky, Shelagh Day, Accommodation in the 21st Century, (March, 2012), Online: Canadian Human Rights Commission <http://www.chrc-ccdp.gc.ca/proactive_initiatives/default-eng.aspx>

Yvonne Peters, “International Women’s Day” (Address delivered to the Manitoba Legislature, Winnipeg, 8 March 2011).

Yvonne Peters, “Disability, Poverty And Citizenship: A Short Note” (February 2009), online: Council of Canadians with Disabilities <http://www.ccdonline.ca/en/socialpolicy/poverty-citizenship/disability-poverty-citizenship-a-short-note>.

Yvonne Peters, The Canadian Human Rights Commission Strives to Design a New Business Model: What Does This Mean for Persons with Disabilities? (Winnipeg: Council of Canadians with Disabilities, 2007).

Yvonne Peters, Federally Sentenced Women with Mental Disabilities: A Dark Corner in Canadian Human Rights (Montreal: DisAbled Women's Network Canada (DAWN) & Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies, 2003).

Yvonne Peters, Twenty Years of Litigating for Disability Equality Rights: Has it Made a Difference? An Assessment by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities(Winnipeg:Council of Canadians with Disabilities, 2003).

Yvonne Peters & Karen Lawson, The Ethical and Human Rights Implications of Prenatal Technologies: The Need for Federal Leadership (Winnipeg: Prairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence, 2002).

Yvonne Peters, “From Charity to Equality: Canadians with Disabilities Take Their Rightful Place in Canada's Constitution” in Deborah Stienstra & Aileen Wight-Felske, eds, Making Equality: History of Advocacy and Persons with Disabilities in Canada (Concord, Ont: Captus Press, 2003).

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